Saturday, June 21, 2008


On June 7th, we traveled to California and spent a couple of days with the Bendheims. On Monday and Tuesday, we met our friends and former neighbors from Corpus Christi, the Killians at Disneyland. We had a blast seeing each other and catching up. The girls were so happy to be with each other again! We had a blast! Thank you Killian Family for meeting us out there, and thank you Bendheims for once again being such wonderful hosts to us.
I love this picture with Jimmy because it shows such personality! Behind him are Markie and Claire.
Here's Madison and Zoe on one of the rides.
Macy, Jimmy, and Claire on the Jungle Boat Tour. They were all too short to go on the Indiana Jones ride.
Towards the end of the day you just need to take a load off! The fun part of this trip was that when we left to drive back to Idaho, we were able to take Zoe and Claire back with us for a weeks visit (the oldest, Rebecca, had to go to Girls Camp). It was just like the good ol' days in Corpus! We had a great time with you two girls and can't wait to do it again!


cyndi/mom/nana said...

This is awesome. It's great to see you guys and to see how much everyone has grown. I can't get over how much everyone looks so older :( nice to hear you keep in touch. We love Disneyland.