This year, Maddie decided she wanted to have a slumber party! She invited a couple of close friends and her cousin Reagan. The girls ate pizza and then I let them all decorate Maddie's birthday cake. I was really amazed that they had so much fun doing this. Maddie thought it was pretty cool too!
This is Madison with her friends Lindsay and Hartley!After decorating cakes, the girls played games. First they played Dance Dance Revolution-Disney Version. They had lots of fun. The girls then took turns playing against Monte and me. After DDR and the little kids going to bed, I stayed up with the party and taught them how to play Spoons. We played for an hour or so and then watched the movie "Enchanted". The girls stayed up until 1:30 am and then had the nerve to wake me up at 7 am asking me to play Spoons with them again! We finished off the party with a pancake breakfast and lots more games of Spoons!
Here's Madison showing off her birthday gift from Monte and me. Yes, it's a motorcycle! She was so excited and has really enjoyed riding it around the house and on trails with Dad!
Hunter John, almost 3 1/2
9 years ago
Man, those cakes look yummy! Happy Birthday Maddie! I love your motorcycle.
Madison, be careful. I have seen you ride fast. Grandma sure doesn't want you to get hurt. Love your bike and your outfit!!!!
Like father like daughter. I see you still haven't given up the motorcycles Monte. Good for you. I have a quad. I know what a wimp I am. But I still have my street bike too.
Later, Thomas.
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