Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Soon To Be Newest Member of the Family

Introducing, Murphy Tanner, the soon-to-be newest member of the family. For Christmas, Monte surprised the kids with a picture of Murphy, who is a Golden Retriever puppy, and told them that as soon as he's ready to leave his mommy, then he'd come to live with us. We still have a couple of weeks to go, but we decided to go out and visit and take pictures.

Here's the kids with little Murphy. They all wanted their pics taken with him. Except we couldn't get Jimmy to hold him, he was too busy chasing all the other puppies and having fun!


cyndi/mom/nana said...

Your puppy is cute and he will be a good pet. We had a golden retriever once when our kids were little. The kids have grown so much already since you guys left. Well, take care and nice seeing pictures of everyone. cyndi

Brooke said...

Super cute! wow i can't believe your are going to take on a puppy. I honestly feel like ruby is another kid sometimes. or another quarter of a kid. Good for you!